At PIS, benevolence and humanity are an essential part of the organization. Serving towards the community where they reside and work is of utmost importance to PIS team.

The management of PIS considers that supporting and contributing to the well-being and life of the society in which the company has the opportunity to function is crucial to their accomplishment. PIS focus on the possessions where they can gain the maximum and on subjects that influence the continuing significance of the company’s resources and communities.

The PIS team enthusiastically tries to add to the social and financial expansion of the communities where they operate to put up an enhanced continuing method of life for the weaker segment of people and elevate the country’s human growth chart. PIS along with AMARA Charitable Trust, has helped in:

  • Installing windmill at Mbooni Primary School
  • Installing swings at the Kyangoma Primary School
  • Refurbishing classrooms at Kwa Mboo Primary School
  • Construction of six (6) classrooms at Kwa Mboo Primary School
  • Providing water in the arid areas of Kenya
  • Constructing a water treatment plant to serve a hospital, school, market and church in Mbooni
  • Building 30 water tanks for individuals in Mbooni
Playground Equipments at Kwa Mboo Primary School
Classroom Construction Kwa Mboo Primary School